Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miss her the most.... Love you...

“Of all the sweeter words in the world, the sweetest is HER”

She is my everything….If at all I’ll pray in life…. I would want her to be with me always in all my births…and would want her to take the same position that she holds today…. This sweet little lady is probably the best lady to have adored my life ever….
Guys… wait … She is not my girl friend…

The first day, I came into this world…. I was smiling, instead of crying…. Probably, it was because she was around and I was embracing her… that day was the beginning of a golden era in my life…. Actually, that was my beginning… The first few smiles in me brought tears in her eyes…..My first few steps brought her joy… My first few words made her laugh….My first few achievements put her on top of the world….

I still remember those days where she would cuddle me tightly to protect me from sun, rain, cold…Well, she was the first one to teach me the right and wrong…. and whenever I took the wrong path, she brought me back to the right one… not only was she the first person to stand by my side in my successes but also was the first one to offer a shoulder in my failures… Well to err is human... To forget is divine… She has forgiven me in all my blunders and loved me all through these times… I still remember the days where she would be angry on me and I would die for one smile from her face…. She is a short tempered lady and I still do remember all the spatulas (silver ones) that have broken because she hit me with it…but the very next moment how she would curse the spatulas J…. Things that would cherish in my memories forever…

What’s special in her that’s not in many others????…… She probably with another gentleman (My second blog will be dedicated to him J ) has done many good things in life… one among them is me J….. Jokes apart….she is really a cute little angel… always wishing everyone good in their life… she never believed in god but now she only prays for others well being…. She treats everyone equally and would be the first person to help the needy…She infuses so much positive energy in everyone’s life….She stands up tall in times of distress.. She commands respect… she is the strongest lady, I have ever seen… going through the various phases of life and having her head still held high…. Well how I hope, I have those qualities too…I have been seeing her for quite sometime now…. Close to 25 years… She has been my source of inspiration… my source of strength….Probably one lady who knows what I need and when….. She is the best person on this earth…..

Well… times have changed…. In the quest for a good career and money, I have forgotten certain basic things in life……few things that would not buy back all the time that I have missed spending with her…I have never missed her so much than now…Given a chance to sit idle… I would love to sleep on her lap…. Given a choice between riches and her… it will always be her…Given a choice between my gal friend and this lady… well... I need them both J…..Why give me a choice at all???… Its goanna be her for my lifetime… I am going back… going back to meet the person, who I consider second to none…. who could burn herself to light me… who loves me more than anyone else…..who adores me more than anyone else.. Who would do anything just to see me smiling….Who still thinks I don’t know what is good and bad.... who still think I am still a kid….. And for whom I can devote the rest of my life…… Well waiting for the first MEETING after 18 months….

If you guys still didn’t get whom I have been talking about…..
“Of all the sweeter words in the world, the sweetest is MY MOM”